We opened the WOMEN FOR WOMEN branch outside of Prague on 1 June 2018 in Most, in Václav Řezáč Street at the headquarters of SEV.EN ČESKÁ ENERGIE A.S., which provided us with the facilities. The branch offers similar services as the Prague headquarters. The main activities available in the region include psychotherapeutic counselling for adults, adolescents and children (including family, couples and group counselling) and Language Skills Development, both of which are offered with a co-payment of 200,-/session only. It is also possible to take advantage of social and legal counseling, free of charge. It is also possible to use our national projects: lunches for children, SOS to kindergarten, First Step and Housing for children.

""In cooperation with the District Court in Most, we are implementing a project for competent parents called Family Service with the aim of eliminating disputes between separating parents and, above all, reducing the impact on their children. This project provides free group and follow-up education for parents."

Ing. Michaela Hostašová, Most Branch Manager

"Most is a beautiful region, but it faces many problems, including social ones. The opening of a branch thus seemed appropriate. In addition, the support that companies SEV.EN ČESKÁ ENERGIE A.S. have been providing to the region for a long time has had a synergistic effect with our activities."

Ivana Tykač, Founder and Director of WOMEN FOR WOMEN


We would like to thank all the partners and organisations we work with in Most.

We are part of the project platform
We are part of the project platform

We are a member of Community Planning.

Since 2 April 2019, we have been a member of the Community Planning of Social Services Most KS2 - Persons and Families in Crisis and Prevention of Social Exclusion. The project website can be found here.

This coordination group meets several times a year. One of the meetings in 2019 took place at our WOMEN FOR WOMEN branch.

Because of this membership:

  • other organizations operating in Most know about us and are regularly present at these meetings (we gained several contacts there and met with representatives of the organizations at their offices todiscuss possible future cooperation) 
  • we know about the current problems that are being tackled in Most.


WOMEN FOR WOMEN, o.p.s. Branch office Most

Václava Řezáče 315, 434 01 Most

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